A Systematic Research on the Liangzhu City and its Hydraulic System
Liu Bin 刘斌
Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology 浙江省文物考古研究所
Located in Pingyao Town, Yuhang District of Hangzhou, the Liangzhu City site is regarded as the capital site of the Liangzhu civilisation and Liangzhu state. The first Liangzhu site was recognised in 1936, thereafter more than one hundred sites had been identified by 2002. The archaeology of Liangzhu site has moved on to a new era since the city site was discovered in 2007. In the past ten years, a series of major archaeology discoveries and research results have been yielded.
First of all, a basic understanding of the structure of the Liangzhu site complex has been established, which refers to a layout comprising the urban centre, the periphery and the outer suburbs. The urban centre of the Liangzhu City comprises Mojiaoshan Palace, the inner city wall and the outer city wall, occupying 8 km2. The periphery includes a large-scale hydraulic system made up of Tangshan Hill and some higher and lower dams, the Yaoshan and Huiguanshan elite cemetery and altars, as well as more than 200 small-scale settlements, covering an area of 100 km2. The 1000 km2 C-shaped basin where the Liangzhu Site Complex is located is seen as the outer suburbs of the Liangzhu City.
Meanwhile, multi-discipline research has been undertaken in the last ten years, a number of ground-breaking results have been yielded by the research of Chronology, Archaeozoology, Archaeobotany, Environmental Archaeology, mineral investigation, construction engineering and technique study, provenance analysis, ancient DNA test and population estimation. The latest results include: The chronological framework of various sites inside the Liangzhu Site Complex has been established. The Mojiaoshan, Fanshan and the hydraulic system are all dated to around 3000 BC. Domesticated pig skeleton comprises 80% of all the animal remains, rice was the only resource of the staple food, which implies an advanced agriculture in Liangzhu. Rock mineral types have been identified in the surrounding area, including potential jade deposits. The foundation stone of the city wall and stonewares unearthed from the site complex have been analysed to interpret the exploration to the mineral resource as well as the jade industry and its trading system. A better understanding of the environmental changes and the forming dynamic of the flood deposit has been achieved by the environmental Archaeology study. The earth and rubble applied to construct the Liangzhu City is estimated to 10,050,000 m3. The study on the provenance of the construction material, the transportation route and the engineering quantities supported the research into the social organisation and management. The population resided in the urban centre is estimated to be around 19,000 and another 24,000 in the suburbs. Based on the GIS analysis and field observations, it is believed that the function of this hydraulic system includes flood prevention, water storage, transport, and irrigation. The analysis to the reservoir deposit diatoms, the soil micro structure and chronology is being undertaken.
The results above imply that the Liangzhu City and the Liangzhu Culture have stepped into the civilisation and early state society period, contemporary with the Egyptian, Sumerian and Harappan civilisation. The discoveries and research of Liangzhu Site Complex have gained an international attention and fame. Just as Professor Lord Colin Renfrew has commented recently, Liangzhu is the earliest state society in East Asia.
The study of Liangzhu City and its hydraulic system represents the most advanced archaeological theories, methods and practice applied to the prehistory mega-site in China.
• 首先,在大遗址考古的理念下,通过考古发掘和研究工作不断深化对良渚古城格局和功能的认识,明确了良渚古城核心区、良渚古城外围系统和良渚古城远郊的研究框架。
• 良渚古城的核心区包括莫角山宫殿区、城墙和外郭,总面积达8平方公里;良渚古城外围系统包括塘山和高低水坝等水利设施,瑶山、汇观山祭坛及贵族墓地,以及由两百余个小型聚落组成的近郊,占地面积100平方公里;古城所在的C形盆地面积1000平方公里,是良渚古城远郊。目前正在开展全面的区域系统调查工作。
• 其次,在格局完善的情况下,不断加强良渚古城的多学科研究,使良渚古城的研究成果向科学化、国际化发展。
• 与国内外团队合作,在年代学、动物考古、植物考古、环境考古、岩矿考古、营建工程与工艺、物源分析、古DNA研究、人口复原研究等取得许多突破性进展。通过大量碳十四数据,初步解决了良渚古城的年代学问题,确认莫角山、反山、水利系统均营建于公元前3000年前后;动植物考古研究显示家猪骨骼在动物遗存中占地达80%左右,水稻是良渚先民唯一的主食,农业发展水平达到很高的程度;大规模的周边岩矿资源调查基本探明古城周边的岩矿类型,并发现有玉矿存在的可能性,对城墙垫石和区域内石器的全面鉴定,获得了良渚人相关资源开发利用的全新认知,结合物源分析,可为探讨玉石器工业及相关的贸易活动奠定基础;持续多年的环境考古研究使我们对良渚古城所在区域的小环境演变和洪水层的形成有了全面的认识,对研究良渚文化兴起和古城衰亡提供环境依据;在勘探的基础上,结合工程学研究,测算出良渚古城的土方量达1005万立方米,并深入研究了建城材料的来源、运输路线、工程量,为探讨当时的社会组织、管理方式提供依据;根据勘探成果及相关聚落、墓地的材料,估算良渚古城核心区居住人口约有1.9万,郊区居住人口约有2.4万;对古城城墙、宫殿和水坝进行工程学研究,分析古人营建的科学性和合理性;根据GIS系统分析,新发现三处水坝的疑似溢洪道,推测水利系统在城的西北处形成的库区面积和蓄水量,确认水利系统具有防洪、蓄水、运输和灌溉等多种功能,相关的库区沉积层硅藻分析、土壤微形态分析和测年工作正在开展之中。
• 通过以上综合研究成果,充分证实良渚古城及其代表的良渚文化已经进入文明和早期国家阶段,其年代与古埃及文明、苏美尔文明、哈拉帕文明大体相当,伦福儒先生近来就撰文指出:“良渚是东亚最早的国家社会”,说明了国际考古学界对良渚的关注和重视。
• 良渚古城及外围水利系统的研究,在理念、方法和实践上代表了中国史前大遗址考古的最高水平。东西方文化交流研究一直是考古学家关注的热点问题,以往东西方文化交流研究 主要基于历史文献和传统考古发掘材料,从考古学文化面貌、青铜冶金技术的传 播以及栽培农作物的东传等角度阐释问题,并取得了一系列的成果。但是迄今为 止,东西方文化交流的时空框架尚未建立,交流细节和交流路线尚不清晰。作为 人类稳定的肉食蛋白质来源,家养动物的养殖与贸易交流活动是必不可少的,人 类通过迁徙和贸易交流将家养动物带到了世界各地,形成了覆盖全球的贸易网 络。家养动物的遗传结构反映了动物交换的模式。因此,通过对不同地区饲养的 家畜进行古DNA分析,能够准确反映地区间的文化交流。大量的考古研究表明, 我国传统所说的六畜(马 、牛、羊、鸡、狗、猪),只有猪和狗是本地驯养的, 马、牛和羊都是通过东西方文化交流所引入的。吉林大学边疆考古研究中心利用 古DNA技术分析了中国北方数十个遗址近400例古代家养动物样本,通过重建不 同时期家养动物群体遗传结构,揭示了中国家马、黄牛和绵羊起源与传播的历 史,以及史前东西方人群文化交流,为东西方文化交流研究提供了新的线索。
Biographical Sketch
刘斌,1985年毕业于吉林大学历史系考古专业。1985年至今一直在浙江省文物考古研究所工作。现任浙江省文物考古研究所所长、 研究员、中国考古学会常务理事。1986年开始即参与了反山、瑶山、汇观山、莫角山等发掘工作,2007年通过勘探调查和发掘发现了良渚古城,并一直担任良渚古城考古项目领队,汇观山遗址、良渚古城的发掘被评为中国十大考古发现,良渚古城遗址还被评为田野考古一等奖、二等奖和世界十大考古发现。在长江下游史前考古和玉器研究方面,有较深造诣,主持多项国家重点课题,出版著作4部,发表论文80余篇。