King’s palace Huangchengtai locality at the Shimao Site


Sun Zhouyong 孙周勇
Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archeology 陕西省考古研究院


Shimao city-site comprises of the Huangchengtai locality, inner city and outer city as the triple walls construction. The city area is ​​more than 4,000,000 square meters, known as the biggest prehistoric metropolitan city site dating around 2000 BC in North China of East Asia. Our archaeological work at this site between 2011 and 2017 has demonstrated that Huangchengtai locality was possibly the core zone of this city with nature of early palaces. At present, there are major discoveries such as large foundation of rammed earth, and rectangular “pond garden”. It is presumed that there may be a large bone manufacturing workshop at the top of the Huangchengtai locality. Other findings such as jade, bronze, bone unearthed here all present the special status of this site.


Biographical Sketch

Sun Yongzhou, Dean of the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archeology. He received his Ph.D. from La Trobe University (2007). Since 1995, he has been working in Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archeology and has conducted many large-scale archeological excavations and research projects. His research focuses mainly on archeology of the Neolithic Age, Shang and Zhou Dynasty. Starting from 2011, he has been the principle director of the excavation at the Shimao site. He has published 5 academic monographs, including 1 monograph in English, and published more than 70 academic papers in core journals such as Archeology, Cultural Relics, Archeology and Cultural Relics.

孙周勇,陕西省考古研究院院长,研究员、博士。先后毕业于厦门大学人类学系考古学专业(1995,历史学学士)、西北大学(2002,历史学硕士)、澳大利亚La Trobe(拉筹伯)大学(2007,哲学博士)。1995年起一直供职于陕西省考古研究院。2002年赴日参加大阪文化财产修复整备技术国际培训。2009年赴美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)美术史与扣岑考古研究所做访问学者。主要兼职有陕西省考古学会秘书长、陕西文物工程协会理事、中国考古学会夏商专业委员会副主任委员、中国考古学会新石器专业委员会委员,西北大学、中央民族大学及北京科技大学兼职硕士导师、国家文物局全国重点文物保护工程方案审核专家库专家。曾在斯坦福大学、俄勒冈大学、韩国庆州文化财、菲律宾大学、加州大学等著名学府发表学术演讲。
自2011年起,本人主要从事神木石峁遗址的考古发掘与研究工作,担任领队(项目负责人),主持发掘了石峁遗址皇城台、外城东门、韩家圪旦墓地等重要地点及遗迹,围绕石峁遗址的考古发掘,先后在《光明日报》、《考古》、《Archaeological research in Asia》等专业期刊杂志发表了十余篇研究成果,引起国内外学者的高度关注与认可。