Tongtiandong and Laonainaimiao

The late Pleistocene Human Dispersals in East Asia


Wang Youping 王幼平
School of Archaeology and museology, Peking University 北京大学


In recent years, thousands of stone artifacts, large numbers of animal skeletons and abundant fire using remains have been found in sites in the central part of East Asia, such as the Laonainaimiao site newly excavated in Henan Province. This clearly reflects the human dwelling patterns and Living conditions. A complete Levallois-Mousterian stone assemblage and fire using remains are unearthed in Tongtiandong site, which is being excavated from last summer in Xinjiang Province. The remains of stone artifacts and other cultural relics from Laonainaimiao site distinctly show the long term popular stoneware of flake tools in East Asia. While, the Tongtiandong site, located in the Sino-Western interchange route, is apparently attributed to Mousterian culture. Although both sites are far apart and belong to different geographic units, they are in the mid-late Pleistocene period as an important stage for the emergence and development of modern people. The discovery of two sites, especially the site of Tongtiandong, provides new perspectives for further understanding of major issues such as the dispersal of late Pleistocene human beings to the East Asian monsoon region from the west of Eurasia and recognition of the origin and evolution of modern humans.
近年来在东亚大陆中部的河南郑州地区新发掘的老奶奶庙等遗址,发现有数以万 计的石制品、大量的动物骨骼以及丰富的用火遗存,清楚地反映了当时人类的栖 居形态与生存状况。自去年夏季开始发掘的新疆阿勒泰地区吉木乃县通天洞遗址 则出土了完整的勒瓦娄哇-莫斯特石器组合,以及用火遗迹等。中原地区老奶奶庙 遗址的石制品等文化遗存,清楚地展示出东亚地区长期流行的石片工业传统。位 于中西方交流通道的通天洞遗址则属典型的莫斯特文化。老奶奶庙与通天洞两者 虽然相距遥远,分属不同的自然地理单元,但都处于晚更新世中期,是现代人出 现与发展的重要阶段。这两个遗址,尤其是通天洞遗址的发现,为了解进一步欧 亚大陆西侧晚更新世人类向东亚季风区扩散,认识现代人的起源与演化等重大课 题提供了新视角。

Biographical Sketch

王幼平,北京大学考古文博学院教授。长期从事旧石器时代考古教学与研究。先 后主持湖北荆州鸡公山、河南新密李家沟、郑州二七区老奶奶庙及广东郁南磨刀 山等多处旧石器遗址的发掘与研究。目前正在主持国家社科基金重大项目“中原地 区晚更新世古人类文化发展研究”工作。代表作有《更新世环境与中国南方旧石器 时代文化发展》(北京大学出版社1997)、《旧石器时代考古》(文物出版社 2000)、《中国远古人类文化的源流》(科学出版社2005)、 “Late Pleistocene Human Migrations in China”, Current Anthropology 2017.Vol.58. 等专著和论文。