Chris Gosden

Dr. Chris Gosden is Professor of European Archaeology, University of Oxford. He has carried out fieldwork in Britain, where he is interested in issues of landscape histories; Papua New Guinea and Borneo where has been interested in issues of colonization and the human history of the rainforest. He has also carried out work on museums and museum histories, particularly the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford. Recent publications include: Gosden, C.  2003. Prehistory. A very short introduction.  Oxford: Oxford University Press. Gosden, C.  2004. Archaeology and Colonialism.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gosden, C., F. Larson with A. Petch. 2007.  Knowing Things: exploring the collections at the Pitt Rivers Museum 1884-1945.  Oxford: Oxford University Press. Garrow, D. and C. Gosden. 2012. Technologies of Enchantment? Rethinking Celtic Art in Britain 400 BC to AD 100. Oxford: Oxford University Press. He is a Fellow of the British Academy and a Trustee of the Art Fund.