EA Darith

I am EA Darith, I finished my bachelor degree of arts, department of archaeology in 1995. From 1997 to 2000, I got a Monbusho scholarship program from Japanese government to study at Kyoto University for master course program. Then, from 2000 to date, I have been working at APSARA Authority, responsible for international joint research projects. I excavated with international teams in Angkor 11 kiln sites (Angkor period kilns from 9th o 15th centuries) in Angkor area and the royal east road from Angkor capital to Bakan. Moreover, I also joined a survey of the Angkor royal roads from Angkor to Phimai in a join Khmer-Thai research project named “Living Angkor Road Project”. Base on the research of kilns, I wrote my PhD on the Angkorian Stoneware Ceramics: the evolution of kiln structure and ceramics typology and submitted to Osaka Ohtani University in 2010. Moreover, I also maintain some temples outside of Siem Reap and Phreah Vihrea provinces.