Leonardo García Sanjuán
Leonardo García Sanjuán (Seville, Spain, 1967) is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology of the University of Seville. I started my career at that university as a pre-doctoral research fellow (1991-1996), to then work as a European Commission Marie Curie Program post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Southampton, UK (1997-1998), as a Lecturer in Archaeology at the University of Bradford, UK (1999-2000) and as Associate Lecturer back at the University of Seville (2000-2004). I have carried out short research stays at the universities of Lisbon (Portugal), Aarhus (Denmark), Iowa (USA), London, Southampton, Cambridge (UK) and Rosario (Argentina), were I have given guest talks and taught courses. My research focuses on a number of themes, including social complexity and social inequality, funerary practices and megalithic monumentality and landscapes among Iberian Late Prehistoric societies, as well as the application of information technologies to archaeological survey and spatial analysis. On these topics I have carried out fieldwork in the southern Spanish provinces of Badajoz, Córdoba, Huelva, Seville, and Málaga and published and edited various books and over a hundred academic papers and collaborations in edited books. Since 2001 I coordinate the research group Atlas: territories and landscapes in the Late Prehistory of Andalusia (HUM-694) of the University of Seville. I am currently coordinating the Project Comparative Analysis of the Socioeconomic Dynamics of Late Prehistory in the South-Centre of the Iberian Peninsula (6th -2nd millennium BCE): The Southwest funded by the Directorate General for Research of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (2010-2012). In collaboration with my main research partner, Dr. David Wheatley from Southampton University, I am also currently supervising a research project on the megalithic landscape of Antequera (Málaga), where we have recently studied the biography of Menga, the largest megalithic monument of Iberia, and we are also studying the PP4-Montelirio sector of the great Copper Age settlement of Valencina de la Concepción (Seville), that includes a wealth of archaeological information.