Michael Frachetti
Michael Frachetti earned his Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania (2004). He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis. His research centers around the development of complex economic and social systems in Central and Inner Asia during the Bronze and Iron Ages, especially among nomadic pastoralists and their neighbors. He is the author of /Pastoralist Landscapes and Social Interaction in Bronze Age Eurasia/ (2008, U. California Press) and, since 1999, he has co-directed the Dzhungar Mountains Archaeology Project (DMAP), studying nomadic sites in the Semirech’ye region of Kazakhstan. In 2008 he launched the MALGUZAAR project in south eastern Uzbekistan, studying the development of nomadic adaptations in the mountainous regions of southern Central Asia from the Bronze Age to the Medieval period.