Nathan Schlanger

Nathan Schlanger’s (PhD. Cantab 1995) research interests include prehistoric technology and material culture studies, the history and politics of archaeology, and archaeological heritage management and policies. Among his recent publications are: Archaeology and the Global Economic Crisis: Multiple Impacts, Possible Solutions (2010, ed), La Préhistoire des Autres. Perspectives Archéologiques et Anthropologiques (2012 ed), Marcel Mauss. Techniques, technologie et civilisation (2012, ed.) and European Archaeology Abroad. Global Settings, Comparative Perspectives (2013, ed.). He has been in charge of international research and development at the French national institute for preventive archaeological research (INRAP) since 2005, where he directed the ACE project. He is also research associate at RARI, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, at the UCL Centre for Museums, Heritage and Material Culture Studies, and at UMR 8215 Trajectoires in Nanterre, France.