Phon Kaseka
Phon Kaseka is the Director of the Archaeology Department at the Royal Academy of Cambodia, and a PhD candidate at the Royal Academy of Cambodia. His dissertation research is on the Cheung Ek Archaeological Site. In 2004-2005 he began to do site survey and mapping at Cheung Ek with support from the NAGA Research Group. This work was continued in 2007 on a project undertaking archaeological investigation and CRM was supported by the US Embassy. In 2002 he worked on “The East Cambodia Archaeological Survey”. In 2003-2004 he worked at the site of Phnom Borei, Takeo province. In 2005-2006 he worked on a site-mapping project in Ang Snoul district. In 2007 he conducted survey and mapping in Baray district, Kampong Thom province as well as directing the Sre Ampil Archaeological and Conservation Project supported by the Center for Khmer Studies (CKS). In 2011 and 2012 he directed two projects, first involved site survey and mapping in Trapeang Prasat district, Udor Mean Chey province and the second project involved survey and mapping of Buddhist Vihara Mounds at Udong and Lovek Cities. Most recently, Kaseka conducted excavation at Cheung Ek which was supported by Friends of Khmer Culture.