HOME Mission Organization Advisory Committee Selection Committee Forum Programs SAF 2019 SAF 2017 SAF 2015 SAF 2013 Contact 2019 SAF Research Awards重要考古研究成果奖 Tracing the Origins of Bronze Technology and Metal Exchange in Southeast Asia东南亚青铜技术起源与金属贸易 The Distant in the Local: La Quemada and Ancient Globalization in West Mexico, 600-1400 CE 本土悠悠:拉奎玛达和墨西哥西部七世纪至十四世纪的全球化 Far from pristine: what lesson can Amazonian archaeology teach to world archaeology?远非原始:亚马逊对世界考古学的启示 Obsidian Provenance in Northeast Asia: Gaining Solid Evidence for Prehistoric Exchange and Migrations东北亚黑曜岩溯源研究:史前交换与人群迁徙的实证 Archaeometry and urbanism at Great Zimbabwe大津巴布韦城址的科技考古与城市研究 The Evolution of Human Co-operation人类协作演变的考古学研究 Archaeology of the Making of a Bronze Age Capital City: Boğazköy/Hattusha through Time土耳其青铜时代赫梯文明都城考古:博阿兹考伊–哈图莎什遗址 Boom and Bust, Hierarchy and Balance: From Landscape to Social Meaning – Megaliths and Societies in Northern Central Europe中欧北部巨石遗存与社会:繁荣与萧条、等级与权衡、以及景观的社会内涵 Researching the Olmec, Mesoamerica’s oldest civilization奥梅克文化:中美洲最古老文明的研究
2019 SAF Research Awards重要考古研究成果奖 Tracing the Origins of Bronze Technology and Metal Exchange in Southeast Asia东南亚青铜技术起源与金属贸易 The Distant in the Local: La Quemada and Ancient Globalization in West Mexico, 600-1400 CE 本土悠悠:拉奎玛达和墨西哥西部七世纪至十四世纪的全球化 Far from pristine: what lesson can Amazonian archaeology teach to world archaeology?远非原始:亚马逊对世界考古学的启示 Obsidian Provenance in Northeast Asia: Gaining Solid Evidence for Prehistoric Exchange and Migrations东北亚黑曜岩溯源研究:史前交换与人群迁徙的实证 Archaeometry and urbanism at Great Zimbabwe大津巴布韦城址的科技考古与城市研究 The Evolution of Human Co-operation人类协作演变的考古学研究 Archaeology of the Making of a Bronze Age Capital City: Boğazköy/Hattusha through Time土耳其青铜时代赫梯文明都城考古:博阿兹考伊–哈图莎什遗址 Boom and Bust, Hierarchy and Balance: From Landscape to Social Meaning – Megaliths and Societies in Northern Central Europe中欧北部巨石遗存与社会:繁荣与萧条、等级与权衡、以及景观的社会内涵 Researching the Olmec, Mesoamerica’s oldest civilization奥梅克文化:中美洲最古老文明的研究
Tracing the Origins of Bronze Technology and Metal Exchange in Southeast Asia东南亚青铜技术起源与金属贸易 The Distant in the Local: La Quemada and Ancient Globalization in West Mexico, 600-1400 CE 本土悠悠:拉奎玛达和墨西哥西部七世纪至十四世纪的全球化 Far from pristine: what lesson can Amazonian archaeology teach to world archaeology?远非原始:亚马逊对世界考古学的启示
Obsidian Provenance in Northeast Asia: Gaining Solid Evidence for Prehistoric Exchange and Migrations东北亚黑曜岩溯源研究:史前交换与人群迁徙的实证 Archaeometry and urbanism at Great Zimbabwe大津巴布韦城址的科技考古与城市研究 The Evolution of Human Co-operation人类协作演变的考古学研究
Archaeology of the Making of a Bronze Age Capital City: Boğazköy/Hattusha through Time土耳其青铜时代赫梯文明都城考古:博阿兹考伊–哈图莎什遗址 Boom and Bust, Hierarchy and Balance: From Landscape to Social Meaning – Megaliths and Societies in Northern Central Europe中欧北部巨石遗存与社会:繁荣与萧条、等级与权衡、以及景观的社会内涵 Researching the Olmec, Mesoamerica’s oldest civilization奥梅克文化:中美洲最古老文明的研究